144MHz UKAC contest – 5th February 2019

Tonight I took part in 144MHz UKAC contest (AR category) using my Yaesu FT-736R transceiver (25w), EA270ZB13 2m / 70cm Yagi made by EAntenna. The antenna is 5 elements on 2m (10.8 dBi) and 8 elements on 70cm (11 dBi).

With the mast at full height, my antenna is 220ft ASL.

I found the conditions quite flat and  suffered QSB on longer distance contacts but managed a total of 50 contacts – highest number of contacts to date.

I called CQ on a fixed frequency for the majority of the contest, changing antenna direction at regular intervals to cover 360 degrees.

Furthest contact was with F1BHL/P at a distance of 413km. Average distance of all 50 contacts was 68.2km.

Claimed scores on the RSGB website for this contest can be found here.



Very much looking forward to next time!

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You can also register for my website here.


73 de M0NWK

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