This post shows the step by step process of calculating the distance as the crow flies between two points using latitude and longitude of both points. I have used this calculation in logging software I have been continuously developing the last three years.
How to convert Maidenhead Locator to Latitude and Longitude
This post shows the step by step process of decoding a Maidenhead locator code to calculate the latitude and longitude at the centre of a square. I have used this calculation in logging software I have been continuously developing the last three years.
144MHz UKAC contest – 5th February 2019
Tonight I took part in 144MHz UKAC contest (AR category) using my Yaesu FT-736R transceiver (25w), EA270ZB13 2m / 70cm Yagi made by EAntenna. The antenna is 5 elements on 2m (10.8 dBi) and 8 elements on 70cm (11 dBi).
With the mast at full height, my antenna is 220ft ASL.
70cm UKAC contest – 8th January 2019
Tonight I took part in UKAC contest (AR category) using my Yaesu FT-736R transceiver (25w), EA270ZB13 2m / 70cm Yagi made by EAntenna. The antenna is 5 elements on 2m (10.8 dBi) and 8 elements on 70cm (11 dBi).
With the mast at full height, my antenna is 220ft ASL.
70cm UKAC contest – 11th September 2018
Back in May I installed my Tennamast and dual band EA270ZB13 2m / 70cm Yagi made by EAntenna. The antenna is 5 elements on 2m (10.8 dBi) and 8 elements on 70cm (11 dBi).
With the mast at full height, my antenna is 171ft ASL. Tonight I took part in my first ever UKAC 70cm SSB contest.