Offset satellite dish for QO-100 Es’hail-2 project

In February 2020 my 1.5 metre prime satellite dish was destroyed by strong winds from storm Dennis. The dish was ripped from it’s mount overnight and I found it at the end of my garden bent and dented. Beyond repair I had no choice but to scrap it.

After a few weeks of searching I purchased a secondhand 1.5 metre x 1.7 metre offset dish.

This blog post contains pictures of the dish as it arrived. Soon I will be making modifications as part of my QO-100 Es’hail-2 project.

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MiniTiouner V2 Construction Project

MiniTiouner hardware was designed by Jean-Pierre F6DZP and is a DVB-S/S2 USB receiver that works with  MiniTioune software. It covers 143MHz to 2450MHz and was designed for use by Amateur Television (ATV) operators.

Like other amateur radio operators I want to use the MiniTiouner and software to receive transmissions from the Es’hail 2 QO-100 geostationary satellite.

I built my MiniTiouner (phase 1) in January 2019 but due to work commitments have just got round to using it.

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How to straighten Microbore copper tube

Simple workshop technique that shows how to straighten Microbore copper tube using basic workshop tools

This post shows a technique I’ve used to straighten 10mm Microbore copper tube and forms one of a series of video’s I’ve made to show how I’ve constructed my Quadrifiliar Helix antenna or QFH as it’s more commonly known.

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Numbers stations

Welcome to the weird world of numbers stations

Known to exist since World War I, numbers stations are believed to have been used or still being used, for transmission of coded messages to intelligence officers operating in foreign countries.

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