23cm Amateur Radio (ATV) Feasibility

Checking feasibility of receiving and transmitting Amateur Television (ATV) between M0NWK QTH and Lincoln Cathedral repeater GB3VL

When I was thirteen years old, I remember hooking up an old Amstrad analogue satellite receiver to a homebrew yagi antenna to receive amateur radio television (ATV) from Lincoln repeater GB3VL. That was as far as I got with ATV until a recently.

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New QTH page added

M0NWK amateur radio station QTH - Newark on Trent

New QTH page added to M0NWK website

I’ve just added a new QTH page to my website that contains latitude, longitude, grid square and WAB square details.

Click here to view.

Numbers stations

Welcome to the weird world of numbers stations

Known to exist since World War I, numbers stations are believed to have been used or still being used, for transmission of coded messages to intelligence officers operating in foreign countries.

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