New antenna brackets finished

M0NWK painting antenna brackets

New wall brackets for supporting a pole and my new Yaesu G-450 rotator, WIMO SHF-2344 yagi for 23cm, EAntenna EA270ZB13 yagi for 2m and 70cm and masthead pre-amplifier unit for 23cm

Recently my Dad made me some custom wall brackets. I will be using the brackets to support a pole and my new Yaesu G-450 rotator, WIMO SHF-2344 yagi for 23cm, EAntenna EA270ZB13 yagi for 2m and 70cm and masthead pre-amplifier unit for 23cm.

M0NWK antenna brackets

The brackets will be attached to the side of my house, which is made of brick. To make the brackets blend in I wanted to paint them with a good quality metal paint that was a brick type colour.

I searched the market but couldn’t find a brick coloured paint so knowing green and red make brown when mixed, I purchased two tins of Hammerite smooth paint; one dark green and the other red.

M0NWK Hammerite paint

Using a spoon I mixed the paint 5 parts red and 1 part green.

M0NWK mixing Hammerite paint

Mixing the two paints makes a browny red colour.

M0NWK Hammerite brick colour

Using a paintbrush I gave the brackets two coats of paint, leaving 24 hours between coats.

M0NWK painting antenna brackets

And that’s it. Two newly painted brackets.

M0NWK brackets painted

All I have to do now is drill holes for the anchor bolts and U-clamps but I won’t do this until I get up on the ladder and mark the holes when in position. More on the installation soon.

M0NWK brackets on wall

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73 de M0NWK

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