Quick note to tell you that I have uploaded the code to my Arduino temperature logging blog post.
I will be interested in hearing how you get on. 73 Adrian – M0NWK
Quick note to tell you that I have uploaded the code to my Arduino temperature logging blog post.
I will be interested in hearing how you get on. 73 Adrian – M0NWK
Last year I purchased the 144LFA8, 8 element Yagi for 2 metres from EAntenna but it’s been in it’s box ever since.
That is until now. It’s May 2021 and we have thunder and lightning so with the mast down, I have decided today I am going to build it so I can replace my 5 element one.
In this post I will show you how I built, tuned and installed the antenna on my mast.
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In one of my previous blog posts I showed how I am receiving ADS-B using SDRplay RSP, dump1090 and Virtual Radar Server.
In this post I compare my different antenna and pre-amplifier configurations so as to obtain the best receive footprint.
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This blog shows hardware, software and configuration that enables me to receive and decode ADS-B transmissions from aircraft and plot them on a map.
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I have just finished my Slim Jim antenna calculator and will be using it to build a Slim Jim in my workshop. Photo’s and video coming soon.
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It’s October 2020 and I have just finished and shared on my blog a PowerPoint presentation that take you through the steps of converting a Maidenhead locator code to the latitude and longitude at the centre of the locator.
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In this article I have documented the steps I have taken to setup and configure both my ICOM IC-7300 and WSJT-X software for FT8 data mode operation.
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In February 2020 my 1.5 metre prime satellite dish was destroyed by strong winds from storm Dennis. The dish was ripped from it’s mount overnight and I found it at the end of my garden bent and dented. Beyond repair I had no choice but to scrap it.
After a few weeks of searching I purchased a secondhand 1.5 metre x 1.7 metre offset dish.
This blog post contains pictures of the dish as it arrived. Soon I will be making modifications as part of my QO-100 Es’hail-2 project.
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This article shows how I have made a mains filter that is extremely effective in reducing and in some cases eliminating completely EMC from the electricity supplying my shack.
MiniTiouner hardware was designed by Jean-Pierre F6DZP and is a DVB-S/S2 USB receiver that works with MiniTioune software. It covers 143MHz to 2450MHz and was designed for use by Amateur Television (ATV) operators.
Like other amateur radio operators I want to use the MiniTiouner and software to receive transmissions from the Es’hail 2 QO-100 geostationary satellite.
I built my MiniTiouner (phase 1) in January 2019 but due to work commitments have just got round to using it.
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